Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thankful Thursdays pt 4

November 24th:

I'm thankful for my three crazy, amazingly smart and Jesus-loving brothers. I'm also thankful for every single one of my cousins, near and far!

November 25th:

Christmas. music. And second thanksgivings!

November 26th:

I'm thankful for my desire to be a teacher and change kids' lives. I'm so excited to see what God has in store for my future kids and classrooms!

November 27th:

Thankful for chill sunshine after a week of rain and darkness. I don't mind the cold as long as I'm not wet!

November 28th:

I'm thankful for my sissy and that we've always been pretty great friends, even though sometimes we hate living with each other.

November 29th:

I'm thankful for God's Word. It needs no explanation.

November 30th:

I love having rabbits. I'm so thankful for each of my "babies"!

Until next time,


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