Friday, November 10, 2017

Thankful Thursdays pt 1

Every Thursday in November, due to Thanksgiving, I will be posting about what I was most thankful for every single day that week. I was thinking about daily posts, but in one day I might not have enough to write about to warrant a blog post, and posting each day is too overwhelming with everything else I have going on. So weekly it is. Let's jump right in.

November 1st:

Today I'm thankful for work friends and Thai food after an early morning shift.

November 2nd:

It was hard to find something to be thankful for today. But I'm thankful for my family's support and my mom's willingness to take an hour out of her day to drive me to work if need be.

November 3rd:

Sunsets & snow.

November 4th:

Today I'm thankful for productive days, where I can just do homework and hang out with my bunnies without worrying about having to be anywhere.

November 5th:

Today I'm thankful for my desire to try new things and not be afraid of change.

November 6th:

I'm thankful for cozy blankets and heaters.

November 7th:

Thankful for baby bunnies.

November 8th:

I'm thankful today for the friendships Dutch Bros has brought into my life. I love you Sammers.

November 9th:

Thankful for my cohort at school. They sang me happy birthday because it was our last day of class before I turn 19 :)

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