Monday, November 6, 2017

Revisiting my Goals

I made goals for my 18th year last year and that's pretty much where I stopped blogging. But since I've picked it up again, let's review what I set to accomplish and see if I actually did.

Click HERE to visit the post I made the day before my 18th birthday (it seems like a lifetime ago and yesterday at the same time).

So these are the goals I wrote for myself last year and my explanation to whether or not I achieved the goal.

1. Write in my journal at least 3 times a week. I didn't continue this through the entire year. I went months without writing when I first turned 18, and then I wrote almost every single day all summer long, so it pretty much balances out, right?! I didn't think so either. I'm trying to get into the habit of writing everyday. 

2. Read my Bible every day and start studying God's Word.
I have definitely been reading and studying the Word more than I have in the past. Of course, some days I would fail this goal. But every day it's a goal and a choice to make God a priority. 

3. Start spending more quality time with family and friends, and people I love.
I guess yeah? How did I plan on measuring this? 

4. Get a summer job and save money.
I actually got a job two weeks after writing this and it's been almost a year now! And I've definitely been saving money because I paid for my first quarter of school with no loans and I almost have all the money for next quarter, too (even though it's not due until January). AND I'm doing my best to save for a CA trip in December! 

5. Buy a car and learn how to drive.
I got my permit and I drive all over, but I don't have my license or a car of my own yet. But next year for sure. 

6. Visit a state I haven't been to yet.
I have a plan in the works to visit California before the end of the year :) 

7. Make new friends and strengthen current friendships.
I started working at Dutch Bros, made great lifelong friends there, and started at Western which has introduced me to a group of 14 other future teachers and we're all great friends already.

So, there you have it. Lots of goals achieved, which I'm very excited about. And some that were not, which is okay, but it makes me even more excited for my goals for next year!

Stay tuned for a post on my 19 goals for my 19th year! Make sure you're subscribed (put your email into the box on your right) so you know right when I post it and you don't miss out!

Smiles (this is how I had a professor sign off on a message to all her students, isn't it fun!),

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