Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thankful Thursdays pt 3

November 17:

I'm thankful for my friend Connie, who covered my shift at work today because I was so sick!

November 18:

One year ago today most of us had our Dutch Bros interviews :) So thankful for the friends DB has brought me, and the money I've made to be able to pay for school with no loans!

November 19:

One year ago today I was told I had the job. I'm so thankful for my manager and franchisee Teal, her fiancée JD, and their puppy Tucker. I really couldn't have gotten a job with better leadership, especially for it being a brand new stand in this area and my first job.

I'm also thankful for my puppy Odin. Today we played fetch for around 30 minutes in the back yard, and cuddled afterwards. He finally knows how to drop the Frisbee when you toss it. It only took him a year to learn. He's a good dog, even though sometimes he's not.

November 20:

Thankful for the beauty of fall.

November 21:

If you know me, you know I hate coffee. But I LOVE white coffee. It keeps me alive during early morning shifts and late class nights. 

November 22:

Today I'm thankful for my youth group and my church, and the amazing people I get to spend every Wednesday night with!

November 23:

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Today I'm thankful for my big, messy, loving, and passionate family who has made me who I am today.

I hope you spend the day as thankful as I am.


1 comment:

  1. I don't like coffee either. What is white coffee?
