About Me

Hey there! Holly here. I'm so glad you stopped by. Here's just a little about me....

I am an 18-year-old Christian college student. Currently I'm attending Western Washington University, on the Everett Community College campus. I have been homeschooled my whole life up until these past couple years, and I love the hectic, but studious, college setting. I graduated from Everett Community College with my associate's in Elementary Education in the spring of 2017.

I'm pursuing a double major in Elementary Education and Special Education. When I graduate, I'll have a dual endorsement with the program I'm going through. I have always loved being around kids, and I'm extremely passionate about making a difference in children's lives, loving on kids from all different backgrounds and creating a place where kids can grow a love of learning.

I work at Dutch Bros here in Everett. I love my job, I love my coworkers, and I love my customers. I like being a barista but definitely what keeps me around is the people and the atmosphere.

I raise rabbits for show, and to sell as pets, and they take up quite a bit of my time, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I currently have around 30ish including lots of cute babies. If you want to learn more, I have a website, blog, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube pages for my rabbitry. Just search Holly's Hollands or Holly's Hollands Rabbitry on each social media I listed and you'll find me.

I'm a writer, and a journal-er, and a lover of talking to people. Blogging helps me do all these things; exercise my writing abilities, release the thoughts from my overcrowded brain, and connect with others who might be going through similar life experiences as I am.

In this blog, I hope to share some of my prospective on life through the eyes of a Christian, coming-of-age, female college student. I'll share some of what I'm learning in school, my thoughts on articles I've read, and always, a unique viewpoint on whatever I'm writing about.

If you have something to say, add to the conversation by leaving a comment. Don't make this a lonely place for me and feel free to share your thoughts!

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