Friday, November 10, 2017

19 Things for 19 Years

Tomorrow I turn 19 years old. My LAST YEAR AS A TEENAGER. I'm freaking out just a little bit inside.

Here are 19 things I want to do in my 19th year.

1. Read all the books on my reading list that have been there for longer than a year. I have tons of books that I've wanted to read and I keep putting it off, or life gets too busy, or whatever. I want to pick up some of these books and make reading an important part of my day. It's such a great way for me to unwind and relax.

2. Get my driver's license (I still only have my permit).

3. Buy a car. So I can get around.

4. Start working in schools on a regular basis, more than just my practicums (volunteering, possibly becoming a paraprofessional, etc.)

5. Read my Bible and journal daily.

6. Buy a camera. For better videos and pictures for YouTube and all my socials (for my rabbits)!

7. Post on For the Love of Everything Good at least weekly. As long as I plan well and write and schedule posts on my days off, I should be good to go!

8. Take 3 trips for myself (besides family vacations or church retreats).

9. Take a camping trip alone to refocus and reenergize.

10. Register to vote.

11. Post on YouTube (Holly's Hollands Rabbitry), at least twice a month.

12. Post on my HHR blog at least once a month.

13. Develop social medias for FLEG (For the Love of Everything Good).

14. Travel by plane for the first time. Hopefully I'll knock out this one in December!

15. Work out 3-5 times a week. I usually work out 3 times a week right now and it's rarely enough for me. I always forget how much I love working out until I do it.

16. Put $1000 every month into savings. This is a shorter, more manageable goal that will lead up to my long-term goal of graduation Western without student loans, buying a car, and tickets to visit CA.

17. Do a hardcore cleanse and detox for my body. My body has a lot of inflammation, psoriasis, etc. To totally get rid or minimize the effects of this I will need to do a hardcore detox. This might require time off work, because detoxing my body in the way it needs will not feel good. But I'm sure I'll feel a thousand times better afterwards (and look better, if my psoriasis goes away!).

18. Keep at 3.7 GPA in school.

19. Take time for myself. Prioritize my health. If I slack on taking care of myself I can't be the best me that God wants me to be.

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