Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thankful Thursdays pt 2

November 10th:

Today I'm thankful for malls, theaters, fluffy sweaters and time with family.

November 11th:

I'm thankful that I made it another year. I'm thankful for my amazing and loving coworkers that I can't imagine life without.

November 12th:

I'm thankful for tasty treats like chocolate and brownies!

November 13th:

I'm TRYING to be thankful for the rain. I got soaked today but the rain was beautiful, and somehow calming.

November 14th:

I'm so thankful for books and the ability to travel to new worlds, become a new person, have new experiences through them.

November 15th:

A sweet coworker, Connie, sent me a long text wishing me a happy birthday and telling me everything she loves about me. I'm so thankful for who she is.

November 16th:

Even though I hate the dentist, I am thankful for them.

That's all I have this week. Until next time!


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