Friday, December 1, 2017

On December 1st

Wow, guys. Just wow.

It's almost 2018.

December is here. I feel like this year has gone by very quickly, but parts of it felt very long. I wonder what this new year will bring.

December never lasts long enough. Christmastime is my favorite time of the year, and yet it feels the shortest (much like summer). Can I just slow it down a bit this Christmas and take each day as it comes, instead of rushing around and being busy and making each day feel 2 seconds long?

I'm so grateful because I get 5 weeks and 2 days of Christmas break, the longest I've ever had before. I don't start classes again until December 9th.

I'm looking forward to such a long break, but already the days are filling up fast. My sister and I will spend a week in California (less than 2 weeks from now!!). Of course, I will be working, hopefully a little more than usual, especially because of the trip I'm taking. Tomorrow I'm going to my friend and coworker Josh's Beauty and the Beast play. He's the Beast! He's incredibly talented and I'm so excited to see this play. Next week I'm going to the Nutcracker at the Everett Performing Arts center with my aunt and cousins and some friends, and I'm so excited!

Christmas is in full force at this point. We have a Christmas party tomorrow night, and one for work on Tuesday night. Our church's family Christmas night is the 10th. Unfortunately, because my sister and I will be out of town, we will miss our youth group Christmas party on the 20th. But I'm sure we'll be doing something fun in California!

What are you looking forward to this month?

I hope you get to relax & be jolly this Christmas season,


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