Thursday, December 28, 2017

Christmas Day

They say as you get older, Christmas loses it's magic. I haven't found that to be true.

As I've gotten older, there have been a few Christmases that have been disappointing and heart-wrenching because my expectations were too high or there wasn't as much suspense and childlike wonder.

As I've gotten older, though, I've appreciated the little things so much more. I appreciate giving gifts rather than receiving. This year, I bought presents for everyone and didn't tell anyone what I wanted. Because I truly don't desire anything. I've found that when I really get a good prospective on what Christmas is, the celebration of Jesus' birth and family traditions, receiving presents is not as exciting. I appreciate the love and bonds my family shares. I appreciate a warm house, cozy blankets, a good book, and peace and quiet to enjoy myself. I appreciate family games and fighting over rules. I appreciate not having to be anywhere, but setting my own schedule. I appreciate sleeping in rather than waking up early just to see how many presents are under the tree and count how many I got compared to how many my siblings got.

This year, we spent the morning opening our stockings and eating the treats inside, and opening presents. I got the book 'Wonder' from my brother, who was my secret Santa. I have read this book and really wanted to own it, because it's amazing! I also got a pair of boots and sweatshirt/shirt from my parents.

I spent the day pretty chill, played a new game my brother got with my siblings, read Little Women (which I finally finished), and watched the movie, watched New Girl, brought some baby bunnies inside for snuggles, and after our Christmas dinner of ham, potatoes and Brussels sprouts, we watched Christmas Vacation as a family.

It was a nice Christmas. It was very calm, snowy, and peaceful. I couldn't have asked for a better holiday. I hope you all spent time with the ones you love and had a great day.

Happy New Year,

Holly be Jolly

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