Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Good Bye 2017

Welp, bye bye 2017 (imagine here a waving hand emoji). It's been one crazy year. It's been all the things and ALL the feels.

Today is January 1st, 2018. I've been reading through my journals over this past year to remember everything that happened. While I do have a good memory, there are so many things this year that slipped through the cracks. Today I'm going to talk about everything that happened in 2017. The good, the bad, and the ugly. In my next post, going up next week, we'll talk about everything that I hope will happen in 2018 and the reiteration of some main goals I hope to accomplish this year.

January 24: Met Travis Boersma

January: New community group

April: Crossway Women's Retreat

May: Shed

June: Graduated with High Distinction (3.70 GPA). I had a grad party and no one from work showed up.

June 19th: Accepted into Western Washington University's Woodring Program!

June 24 - July 3: Cabin leader for Senior Girls camp at LBC

August: VBS

August 21st: Solar eclipse 2017! I was working with Maddie, Taylor, Katelyn and Erika. Taylor had brought in solar eclipse glasses and we got to enjoy this opportunity with customers. It was a pretty cool shift!

August: DB Coacha in Medford, OR. This was my first concert as well. Daya opened for Macklemore.

September 11: Driver's permit

September: Joined the leadership team at my youth group for our middle school group

September 22: Hot yoga for the first time with my boss

September 25: Started school at Western Washington University at EVCC

October 29: Started going to Everett Reach Church

November 5: A mother rabbit of mine died. In December, another rabbit of mine passed away from unrelated causes. I actually had to put down the second one, because she was paralyzed.

November 9: Sam told me she was leaving and broke my heart

November 11: I turned 19

November 18: One year ago I was hired at DB

December 13: One year ago DBEverett opened!

December 14 - 21: California adventure! My first plane ride! In CA we also had sushi for the first time.

December 24 & 25: We had a white Christmas!

The year was filled with firsts, new friends, loneliness, and loss. I started taking better care of myself; worked out on a regular basis; didn't eat sugar for a large portion of the year; and started seriously saving money for school, trips, and hopefully a car. I started blogging because I had lots of opinions and things to say especially now that I'm in Western. I have read lots of books this year for fun because I used to be an avid reader and I missed it. This has been a huge year. It's been fun, it's been terrible at times. But it's been worth it. It's another year in the books.

I'm going to be honest, I'm glad it's over, and excited for changes and new adventures in the coming year. What's your biggest highlight of 2017?

So long,


P.S. I have a couple posts started about my California adventures, and I hope to post these (with pictures!), scattered throughout the month. It was a busy week and too much happened to just write one blog about it.

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