Saturday, January 6, 2018

Hello 2018

2018 is here! If you read my last blog, you know that 2017 was a big year for me. There were many ups and downs. Haven't read it yet? Here it is:

Today I'm going to be leaving 2017 in the past and write about my goals, hopes, and excitements for the year 2018. I hope to have lots of adventures. 

If you haven't read my post about making goals for my 19th year, you can find it here:
I'm going to be using my biggest goals from that post as my 2018 goals. I don't believe in resolutions. They rarely last and just don't mean as much to me as goals. Goals are realistic, require steps, and just seem to make more sense. I googled the definitions of both terms and resolution means: "a firm decision to do or not do something." Goal means: "the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result." A goal requires hard work. A resolution is all in your head. Maybe you see the definitions of these words differently, but this is what they mean to me.

All these goals are adaptions or variations to the goals I made for my 19th year. To see the full list, click the link above. I chose the biggest ones that I want (or need) accomplished. These goals are challenging. They will take lots of hard work. I don't believe that you can do whatever you set your mind to, because there are some things that humans just can't control or have power over. But I do believe that an attainable goal that has measurable steps and challenges you to be better than you are, can be reached with hard work and determination.

1. Read my Bible and journal daily. Pray continually without ceasing.

2. Read, read, read for FUN. Put down your phone scrolling on Facebook and read.

3. Become a paraprofessional (paraeducator). So far my applications are in and now it's just the waiting game!

4. Buy a car and get my license.

5. Buy a camera.

6. Travel. Even if it's somewhere close, go exploring.

7. Take care of myself. Work out regularly. Cleanse and detox. Find balance between being alone and being with family and friends on days off. Get lots of sleep. Take my vitamins. Prioritize my physical and mental health. Get outside. Get more massages. Do more hot yoga. (This goal is seriously LOADED).

Thanks for reading some rambles and goals. What are your goals for 2018? Are you a resolutions or a goals person?


- H.L.W - 

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