Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving 2018

This holiday season, I'm really dwelling on how much I have to be thankful for. I guess we all think this way around Thanksgiving - it's in the name, after all. But, I'm going to be honest - thankfulness hasn't come easily to me this season. I'm not doing the job I want to do for the rest of my life, school sucks sometimes, and I have no time for fun. Expectations weigh me down, and most of them are my own, on myself.

But amidst all those precursors to an unhappy holiday, I choose to dwell on the reason for the season.

I am thankful for family. Even if we have our drama, at least I have a family to call my own. Even if we cry over silly misunderstandings and hurtful words, our laughter is the loudest.

I am thankful for my home. Even though I share a room with my sister and the house is too small (or my brothers are too big), and we're running out of space, at least I have a roof over my head, and a warm place to sleep.

I am thankful for my job. Even though it's the hardest work I've ever done, it's also the most rewarding and fulfilling (sometimes). My colleagues are amazing, understanding, and so supportive. We're a great team.

I am thankful for my school. Even if I have to study every night, don't enjoy every class, and don't get all As, I have incredible professors, an amazing university, and great friends. And someday, these several years of school will be so worth it.

I am thankful for my friends. Even though I don't see them often enough, I know we care about each other and love each other no matter what.

I am thankful for my anxieties. They keep me grounded, humbled, and surround the things I love most - and at least I don't have the worries of my next meal, where I will sleep, or how I'll stay safe.

I am thankful for Jesus, and his awesome love for me and my mostly ungrateful heart. I'm thankful that even when I fail, he doesn't let me fall.

I'm thankful that I am not battling deep anxiety or depression on a regular basis. I am thankful for good sleep. I'm thankful for coffee and pie. I'm thankful for conversations and board games. If you're reading this, I'm thankful for you, too.

Have a wonderful night, and guess what - it's Christmas now. I'm super thankful for that.

With love,


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