Saturday, June 30, 2018

In Summer

Welcome, summer. Boy am I glad to see you! 

I finished spring quarter with a 3.8 GPA (praise the Lord!), on June 13th, and my last day of school (Lowell), was June 19th. I spent the first several days of my break catching up on chores, selling bunnies, and getting ready for summer classes. To celebrate the first day of summer, I went camping with a really good friend on Thursday night up in the Granite Falls area. It was beautiful, peaceful, and so relaxing. It was so needed. The weather wasn't perfect, but it was amazing for the hikes we did and adventures we had. 

This summer I am working as a nanny for a 3 month old baby, Bear, in Edmonds. I'll only be working about 19 hours a week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so I'll still have time to enjoy my summer and travel over my long weekends. In June, I also have a few other babysitting jobs scheduled - one over a weekend in Seattle. I've been wanting to visit the city since I never really have, and this will be a good weekend to do so with the girls I'll be watching. 

Speaking of travelling, in a couple weeks my family and I are going to Moscow, ID for our cousin's wedding. A couple weeks after that, I hope to take a trip to Leavenworth to explore. In August, I'll hopefully be cabin leading Jr. High camp at Lakeside Bible Camp, going to Oregon to see friends, and camping at the end of August. I'm really hoping to go to California after the summer. I wanted to go in September, but with school starting, it's a terrible time to leave. And then college will start again after that, so I will most likely go there in December. I want to go for a couple weeks this time. This summer, I hope to do lots of hiking and  

Summer classes started on June 25th. I only have 3 this quarter, and only 9 credits - PE, Health, and Social Studies online. PE is on Tuesdays and Thursdays but is only 4 weeks long. Health is on Wednesdays, and is 5 weeks long. Social studies has one in-class class on the 25th but is 8-10 weeks long. I'm glad that classes will be more chill this summer. I need a little break for sure - last quarter wore me out! You can find out more about what I've been doing over the past 3 months in my last post. Throughout the summer, I will also be working a lot with my church in kids ministry and service projects. I'm super excited for Reach's purpose here in Everett, and to see our ministry grow! 

Thanks for reading about my summer plans! Have a good weekend!


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