Saturday, February 3, 2018

First Plane Ride & First Impressions

It's been over a month since I left California. However, I still wanted to document the trip. This is a long post; but there are plenty of pictures at the end, mostly all taken by my sister, and highlights of every day we were there.

The trip started early, with an Express Shuttle van arriving at our door at about 4:07am. Our flight was at 8:12 but we wanted to make sure to get there plenty early since we were flying alone and it was our first time. 

We arrived at the airport at 5:30 and spent some time walking around, getting into long lines we weren't supposed to be in, and finally went through security around 6:30. Sydnie was able to go through PreCheck, so we were separated because I had to go through the normal security. The line was VERY long, but went surprisingly fast. I took about 20 minutes longer than Sydnie did, however, so she waited on the other side. They didn't have us take our shoes off, separate the liquids, or anything like that, which is what I was expecting. Maybe the LAX airport will be different and take longer, but I was surprised. 

After we were both reunited again, we had lots of time to kill before the flight boarded. We got some Starbucks and ate some snacks. We boarded the plane at 7:47. There was one stop before we landed in LAX, in Santa Rosa. This first leg of the journey was beautiful, completely smooth sailing, with views of mountains and the sunrise. We were able to watch some of a movie, listen to music, I read a lot, and slept a little. 

The second leg was much rougher. Since we were in California, we saw so much smoke and burned land from the plane. There was lots of turbulence, and the plane shook. I'm not going to lie, it was terrifying. I didn't know that turbulence is a relatively common and not very dangerous occurrence, but because of the shaking and dipping I was worried we would crash. I had to close my eyes, breathe, and pray. Because of my anxiety, I was a little shaky, and my stomach was turning long afterwards. We didn't crash, of course. We made it to land and Anna picked us up at the curb. 

LAX was not as crazy as I was expecting. I'm sure it's crazier to fly out of, but it was not crowded at all when we walked through. It was easy to find her and we headed to our home for the week. Anna's family lives in Camarillo, about 2ish hours out of LA. It was about 1:00pm, and the drive was beautiful. We took the scenic route and drove along the coast the whole time. We saw surfers and paddle boarders when we drove through Malibu. The houses look so different, very "California-y" and the palm trees!! Honestly everything looked the way Cali does in movies and on TV.

As soon as we got to Camarillo, we needed to pick up the kids from Anna's in-laws' and her parents' house. Both families have pools, orange trees, and the Spooners have an avocado tree. All three families live only blocks from each other. The Spooners and Tabors have dogs from similar litters, and littermate cats.

After picking up the kids from the Spooners', we spent a few hours at the Tabors. Around dinner time, we went to eat at In-and-Out.

That night was pretty chill. After dinner, we relaxed at the house and my sister and I watched TV in bed and went to sleep early, due to our long day.

On Friday, we went to the ocean with Anna, her kids, younger brother, Jack, and sister, Faith. Faith works at the mall in Thousand Oaks, and offered to drive Sydnie and I there to hang out while she was working. We shopped and watched Daddy's Home 2 at the Thousand Oaks mall theater. Their tickets are only SIX DOLLARS so we had to grab that opportunity to see a movie we wouldn't normally watch in the theaters. I spent the same amount of money on both our tickets that I typically spend on ONE here in Everett.

On Saturday morning, with Anna, the kids, her sister in law, and Faith, we went to the farmer's market (which is year-round in CA), and bought DELICIOUS chocolate macaroons! We also went thrifting and played with the kids at a park.

On Sunday, we went to Faith's church in the morning and her youth group's nerf party afterwards. The theme was camo, so we decided to go in Christmas camo. We wrapped ourselves in wrapping paper or hung ornaments on our shirts to become a tree. We won the costume contest and got a prize. After the games, we hung out with Anna's brother George all day. He drove us around looking for my wallet, which I lost (but eventually found), in California. That night, we played games and ate brownies.

Monday was spent mostly at Anna's in-laws' house. We did crafts there and talked on their porch, while being served iced tea by Anna's mother in law :) We went out to eat lunch at a Mexican place beforehand.

Tuesday, we went to the LA zoo. We were going to go to the Santa Barbara zoo which was closer, but due to the fires, that zoo was preparing to be evacuated and so it was closed. That night, Sydnie and I had sushi for the first time with Anna and Faith.

Wednesday was our last day, and unfortunately it wasn't that great. Sydnie and I did not feel well, but at least she was able to go to the beach again with Anna and the kids. Because we had to leave so early, that night was spent saying our goodbyes to Faith, George, Anna's in laws and the kids, and going to bed early.

It was overall an amazing trip. I'm really excited to go back to California this year and do more exploring. Maybe Disneyland next time!

Thanks for reading this LONG post! I hope you enjoy the pictures at the end (@sydnisity & @sydsartpage on Instagram).


P.S. Yes they are all screenshots of her Instagram lol :) 

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