Friday, February 23, 2018

Church Changes

Today I'm going to be sharing some things have been on my heart recently. I have not shared much about this big life change; but my family, primarily my parents and I, have been transitioning from our Crossway Fellowship church home to Reach Everett.

Reach Everett is a new church plant in Everett based out of Reach Kirkland. I feel very strongly in my heart that God is calling me to be a part of this church plant, but it didn't start out that way.

I was baptized at Crossway. I have had very close friends there. I have watched babies be born and grow up to be little people. I have been going to that church through my entire teenage life, which included some of the hardest and the best moments I've known thus far. In the beginning, in late September, when my parents were considering transitioning from Crossway, I was against it. I didn't want that for me. My heart felt hardened towards leaving Crossway, ever. I had never felt at home at a church before Crossway and it gave me so much anxiety and sadness over the thought of leaving it.

But God changes hearts, and he radically changed my mindset. There is nothing wrong with Crossway's ministry, but I feel like my whole life, God has been preparing me to become a part of Reach's mission. It's all part of God's story and His mission, but I have a huge heart towards the Everett city and the Everett School District (especially as a Lowell Elementary para and WWU-Everett student).

Reach has the same heart towards reaching the Everett city that I do. We don't want to buy a separate building for our church gatherings. We want to rent a spot inside a school or owned by the Everett School District, so that everything we pay towards a building is benefitting the schools and the surrounding communities.

Since mid-September, my parents and I, as well as most of my siblings (most of the time), have been going to two churches every Sunday. Crossway starts at 10am and Reach is currently at 5pm. So we've been having very hectic, busy Sundays lately.
Once Reach gets a building they can have Sunday morning services in, hopefully by Easter, I'll be transitioning completely to Reach. I'm already mostly transitioned. I don't really attend Crossway anymore unless I'm in the nursery. I'm in the nursery twice more and then I won't be participating in the Crossway ministry anymore. My mom, sister and I will most likely keep going to the Everett Gospel Mission, a ministry that Crossway does once a month, for the foreseeable future, because we love those ladies and kids and we're very invested in that ministry. My mom and I see these ladies out and about around Everett all the time.

I'm currently in the children's ministry already at Reach because they have such a huge need for childcare helpers; they have LOTS of little kids and babies! I am in love with the people at Reach and so excited to see this journey continue. I already have close relationships bonding, and I've been able to get coworkers from Dutch Bros to attend as well! 

I am so grateful to God that he changed my heart and made me so excited for Reach.


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