Wednesday, January 2, 2019

20 Thoughts for my 20th

Hey friends, welcome back.

I turned 20 on November 11th. My mom and sister surprised me with a hotel room for the night, and a visit from my best friend Olivia. The theme was "Treat Yo Self" On Us. We ate at my favorite Mexican restaurant, sat in the hot tub for hours, danced, laughed, watched TV and put on face masks, worked out, and had such a blast. I am so thankful for this day.

Anyway, here are 20 random thoughts I've had over this past month, this past year, and things that I want to keep in mind throughout my 20th year.

1. Even though 18 is considered a legal adult, you're also technically a teenager, so basically 20 is the first year you're TRULY an adult.

2. It's really weird to now be considered "in my early twenties".

3. Nothing I had planned to happen by the time I turned 20 has happened.

4. I'm learning to be ok with the above statement, and make new plans as I go.

5. I have time for the things I care about. I might have to shift things around, but if I care enough, I will schedule it in.

6. I'm so thankful that I have never had to pull an all-nighter for school.

7. I have so much fun working out and working on myself.

8. I love my family so fiercely.

9. Lose the expectations. They will almost always fail you.

10. I am a 1 on the enneagram. This perfectly describes me as a person (perfectionist, my own harshest critic, not a people pleaser but still must do everything right for myself).

11. Boundaries do not make you mean, if you use them wisely.

12. I love my friends at school. We were all brought to the same program, in the same year, to learn from each other, and to teach each other. I am so thankful for the cohort I have.

13. Why does Christmas need to be so expensive. Some children don't get anything. Some children have no presents, or a tree to put presents under. Some kids don't have traditions. Focus more on who you love and what you appreciate rather than the buying and receiving.

14. Everything happens for a reason. You just might not see the reason yet.

15. God's plan for my life is so much better than I can imagine. It might not look like anything I have planned.

16. I feel happiest when I'm in a bookstore, or playing games with my siblings.

17. No, I'm STILL not in a relationship. I know, *gasp*. I'm doing just fine, thank you. My "other half" is not out there somewhere. There is not one person on the planet that will complete me. I am my own person without a man. Someday, Lord willing, 2 whole people will choose to commit their lives to each other and become one brand new whole. But we weren't halves before we married. People are not fractions. (my cohort mates will get this joke haha).

18. Life's so short and yet I was a totally different person 10 years ago. What do the next 10 years have in store?

19. I don't have the power to screw up God's plan for my life.

20. I still have so much to learn about myself. I am realizing things (Kylie Jenner gif, anyone?!), about myself that I haven't thought of before and it's so cool.

It was hard to come up with 20 when I first began, then it was hard to narrow it down. I can't believe I'm 20! I know I'll be saying the same thing when I'm 21.

Thanks for reading friends,


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