Saturday, October 21, 2017

Where I've Been

Life has been busy. If you can't tell, I abandoned this blog...and I'm pretty sure I said that in my last post too. It's literally been almost a year since I've posted (if you haven't noticed). I haven't made a post since I've been 18. I'm almost 19. So why am I posting now?

I wanted to update on where life has taken me since I posted my 7 goals for my 18th year, and where I'm at in life now. I want to have a spot to vent my frustrations, share my passions, and talk about my new journey becoming an elementary school teacher.

To be fair, I have been writing...I have at least 10 drafts I've wrote over the past year and just never posted (I don't know why). Most of them are gutsy ramblings I never really intended to share, but to be honest, if no one reads these posts, I won't mind to much. I want a place where I can be honest with myself. And if someone finds this blog and follows along, that's okay too.

I do keep a journal, but that's different. I don't know how, but it just is. Handwriting can get tiring after long nights of pulling shots and taking notes. But typing is not.

So let's just get started on where I am now. What life has been like in the past 11 months since I've been absent.

I haven't mentioned it on this blog yet, but back at the end of August, we introduced a puppy to our family and so now we have a dog too. He's a chocolate lab and let's just say he's the 6th kid.

I turned 18. I guess that's kinda a big deal. I still haven't registered to vote, but I plan on doing that before I turn 19 (I hope!).

In November, the week after I turned 18, I applied for a job at Dutch Bros here in Everett and I've been working there for almost a year now. I love being a barista, but the atmosphere at DB is why I stay.

A week after I started training at DB, I got my braces off. That was one of the highlights of my year for sure!!

In June, I graduated from Everett Community College, with High Distinction and my associate's in Elementary Education.

At the end of June, through the very beginning of July, I spent a week at Lakeside Bible Camp for a Sr. Girls (ages 10-13) summer camp. It was amazing and I grew so much in this time.

At the end of July, I received the letter that told me I had been accepted to the only college program I applied for - Western Washington's Woodring program at their Everett Community College campus. Also in July, I got my bunny shed in full working order.

In August, my family did VBS at our church and I was a skit actor and a helper in the 2nd-3rd grade class.

In September, I got my driver's permit and now I'm roaming the streets. Look out world!

And that leaves us at this present moment. It's coming up on my 5th week at the WWU program and I'm enjoying it so much. My cohort is amazing, homework is not overwhelming yet, and my instructors are very effective and fun. I'm especially excited that I paid out of pocket for my first quarter at a real school. It was relatively inexpensive (compared to Western in Bellingham for the same program), which is so nice since my parents can't help me out and I haven't found good scholarships yet. I feel so incredibly blessed to have a job that is flexible around my school schedule, but can still give me enough hours to go to school. I'm grateful that I've had the opportunity to raise rabbits because the income I get from that hobby helps as well. My hope for these next 3 years as I go through school is to not take out any student loans; and to pay out-of-pocket as much as possible. I will not have to pay for the next quarter until January and already I have almost everything I will need!

Although life has been crazy, I want to find time to blog here. I want to share what I'm learning in school and how God is working in my life, and what He's teaching me, as I'm becoming a real adult. I hope to share a post weekly, but let's see if I can stay that consistent.

Until next time,

Holly L. W.

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