Monday, September 19, 2016


Why, hello there! Welcome to the first post on my new blog! I'm so excited to get started.

I blog regularly in two other places, but because those blogs are themed, I don't have a place where I can just spill my heart out and write about my viewpoint on this crazy life I've been given. I'm glad that I finally took the plunge and started a blog that I can use to ramble on about my experiences.

I'm a writer, a journal-er, and a lover of talking to people. Blogging helps me do all of these things; exercise my writing abilities, release thoughts from my overcrowded brain, and connect with others who might be going through similar life experiences.

I hope you guys enjoy these posts as much as I will enjoy writing them. Here I hope to share some of what I'm learning in school, my thoughts on articles I've read, and just musings about the craziness that is my life. As I'm turning 18, starting my second and final year of Running Start, and just growing up in general, life is getting more complicated and hectic, but also a little bit more exciting and fun.

If you have something to say, add to the conversation by leaving a comment. Don't make this a lonely place for me, and feel free to share your thoughts!

"Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." ~ Romans 12:2

See you later,


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