Thursday, December 27, 2018

Introducing Holly Lynn . . . MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL!

I have a personal YouTube Channel!!!!

I've been wanting to start a personal channel since the beginning of 2018. There are 4 days left in the year, so I decided it's as good of a time as any!

I've had a rabbit YouTube channel for several years and I love the world of YouTube. I love expressing my creativity through the editing process, and I have so much fun filming. I'm super super excited to have one that is about everything else I love in life.

I did some filming in California so I could remember the time and create a vlog when I got back. It's not edited or up yet, but I did film several videos today . . . and the intro is up NOW!

My channel is called Holly Lynn, my first and middle names. I'm so excited to share it with you all. I hope you enjoy. The link is down below. Check it out!!

Holly Lynn Introduction 

Unfortunately I wasn't able to use the thumbnail I had already made, so I'll put it here.