Thursday, November 10, 2016

Goals for my 18th Year

I know I basically abandoned this blog right after I made it. But I'm still here, and I still care about this space to write and let my thoughts out, so I'm not giving up. I haven't had a lot of time with the busy school season, but school is winding down now, and soon it'll be Christmas break, so I hope I'll have a lot more time to write.

In today's post I want to make a list of goals for my 18th year. Tomorrow is my birthday, 11/11, and 18 is a big age. I don't want to make a big deal out of it because, for me, nothing will really change. I'll continue to live at home, attend EvCC until I graduate in the spring, and then attend WWU in the following fall (if I get in, of course), but still go to the campus at EvCC, so I'll still be close to home and I won't have to move to Bellingham.

1. Write in my journal at least 3 times a week.

2. Read my Bible every day and start REALLY studying God's Word.

3. Start spending more quality time with family and friends, and people I love.

4. Get a summer job and save money.

5. Buy a car and learn how to drive.

6. Visit a state I haven't been to yet.

7. Make new friends and strengthen current friendships.

I think 7 goals is good for now. It's a random number, but these are pretty big goals and most of them are something ongoing, not exactly something I can check off.

Thanks for reading. I hope to write on this blog more consistently in the next couple months that my homework isn't as heavy a load.